4 Great Benefits of Dental Implants

dental implants supporting restoration

Whether it be from injury, infection, extraction, or a traumatic accident, losing a tooth is never fun. The good news is, you don’t have to live with an unnecessary gap for long. When visiting your local dentist, you will find many tooth replacement options to choose from, including both traditional and implant-retained restorative devices. Deciding which one is best suited for you will depend on a variety of factors, including your budget, oral health, and how fast you want results. While traditional restorations, such as dental bridges deliver faster results and affordable pricing – an implant-retained crown or bridge is longer lasting and better for your oral health.

Dr. Denes uses the latest techniques and technologies to place dental implants, including cone bean scans, and works closely with a dental lab to fabricate your customized restoration. Cone beam computed topography (CBCT) is a high-level x-ray that delivers 3-D imaging of your jaw. In addition to portraying your teeth and jawbone, it also depicts nerve pathways, facial muscles, lymph nodes, and sinuses. Using this technology ensures adequate dental implant placement.

To learn more about CBCT scanning and how it can benefit your dental implant surgery, contact our Fresno, CA practice today online or by calling 559-297-6823. Read on to learn why dental implants make a great choice for replacing missing teeth.

Lasting, Realistic Results

Dental implants are small posts generally made of titanium that are strategically inserted into your jawbone. Shaped much like tiny screws, dental implants eventually integrate with nearby tissues over the course of about four to six months. Once secure, they provide a lifetime of support for your custom-made restoration. An implant-retained restoration is the only tooth replacement option that can replace an entire missing tooth from root to crown, providing long-lasting results. Unless you tell them, people will be unaware you have dental implants. They are well hidden beneath your jawbone and restoration. Your restoration will be customized to match the natural aesthetics of your former tooth, ensuring seamless results.

Unparalleled Support and Comfort

Because dental implants permanently bond with your jawbone, they provide unparalleled support and comfort compared to traditional restorations. A traditional dental bridge is supported by remaining teeth on either side of the gap. Over time, this will cause wear and tear to those teeth and can lead to dental sensitivity and discomfort. As the dental implants integrate, they become a natural part of your jawbone, mimicking the functionality of your former tooth roots.

Restored Functionality and Better Oral Health

If tooth loss isn’t treated immediately, it can cause nearby teeth to shift out of place, as well as lead to bone loss and ongoing jaw pain. If loss is extensive, it can even result in speech issues and facial structural changes. Replacing your missing teeth as soon as possible with an implant-retained restoration will prevent these issues from occurring. Because dental implants act as tooth roots, they keep your jawbone stimulated, fostering healthy bone regeneration. No other tooth replacement solution can provide this added benefit.

Boosted Self-Confidence

Missing teeth can also keep you from smiling confidently. While it may seem insignificant compared to the other benefits listed above, your self-confidence has the ability to positively or negatively influence your quality of life. Your smile is the only one you have, and we want to help you take care of yours so you can enjoy it for many years. Once implants have healed and the restoration is in place – you will find enjoyment showing off your newly restored smile.

Learn More About Dental Implants and CBCT Scanners

If you are looking for a superior tooth replacement solution, contact our Fresno, CA office today at 559-297-6823 to schedule your dental implant consultation.






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